Monday, December 1, 2008

Post Thanksgiving

We traveled far and wide to St. George, Utah for Thanksgiving with my family. It was a delicious feast I spent with my Mom, brother, two uncles, one aunt, my husband and kids and even my Father, Mr. Guy Powell drove from Salt Lake to see us. My Dad is always so fun to be around and he is the only Man who is happy and willing to cook with us women in the kitchen. He's a damn good cook to boot! Although he did over cook the Turkey because he threw out the pop-up timer before learning that my Mom did not own a meat thermometer. He got all kinds of frustrated not having the proper tools and knives to cook with. Come on, shouldn't everyone have a French bean stringer in their home kitchen! He just had to make do and for that, we had a dry Turkey. Oh well, I guess his frozen horseradish cranberry sauce made up for it. Thanks for coming Dad! I love you!

We are now home after the 81/2 hour drive. I love Chandler, AZ but I wish it wasn't so damn far. I am not looking forward to the 11 hour drive to Provo after Christmas. We told the kids we would go visit during the holidays and now my Grandma's funeral is on Dec. 27 in Pleasant Grove, so now we absolutely must. I hate driving. It's a miserable experience to drive that long with 4 arguing kids and a dog. I wish I could apparate or use flu powder like in Harry Potter. Now that would be cool! Chris and Maggie will be flying to Utah this week-end. Maggie wanted tickets for her birthday and Chris is going to rent a truck and load up our storage unit and again drive back here. I bet he is so sick of that drive after doing it so many times over the past 9 months. I feel bad he has to do it yet again. Kudos to ya baby, Thank you!! Maggie will represent our family at the Moon Christmas party on Sunday and then fly home. Busy, busy, busy, when will life calm down a little?

Everyone is putting up xmas decorations and it's so weird to have green grass and palm trees with xmas lights strung all around. It just doesn't feel like xmas to me. I need to get over the "White Christmas" mental block in my head. Not that we had a white xmas every year in Utah but at least it was cold and wintery. I am going to put my fake lighted palm tree outside and sing "Meli Kelieki Maka" (Merry Christmas in Hawaiian but spelled wrong I'm sure). You just got to embrace it and love it!

Bye for now


1 comment:

Allison said...

The white Christmas thing is over rated to Arizonians LOL we do NOT like to be cold ;) Remember you can always take a day trip up to Flagstaff if you want to play in the snow, that's what we do...
Welcome to the bloggin' world, glad you joined in :D